2025 Spring Registration Dates
Team Registration now open!
Individual Registration- begins at 12:15pm Mar. 4th

As league details are finalized, they will be posted at the bottom of this page.

*Priority registration is for teams that played in the previous season of that specific league.
Open registration is for teams that did NOT play in the previous season.

🥎 General Information

Urban Rec offers a variety of softball leagues during the spring/summer season (one long season) as well as a Sunday fall league.

  • All leagues are coed requiring at least 4 women and 1 man
  • A full lineup consists of 10 players in the field (however, teams can have more than 10 batters)
  • Games are 7 innings in length or 90 minutes- whichever ends first
  • For some leagues, the fields utilized each week may vary over the course of the season

🏏 Equipment

  • For some leagues, bases may be provided by Urban Rec.  For other leagues, each team will be required to have their own set of bases. Check specific league information for details (once it is posted).
  • For leagues where teams must have their own bases, the home team on the schedule will be responsible for bringing and setting up the bases for their game.
  • For leagues where bases are provided by Urban Rec, the home team in the first game of the day is responsible for setting up the bases, and the losing team in the last game of the day is responsible for cleaning them up.

😊 Individual Registration!
Don’t have a team of your own but want to play?  Try individual registration!

  • Register for a team consisting of other individuals such as yourself who are also looking for a team
  • Individual registration may not be offered for all leagues
  • All individuals’ teams are registered as recreational and placed in the lowest division available for that league to start
  • More skilled players are welcome to join, but please be aware of that individual teams are generally a lower skill level
  • For more info, click on our Individuals’ Teams Policy and our Individual FAQ section.

Further questions? Click on these links:

Softball FAQs
Softball Rules
Urban Rec Policies 

Still haven’t found what you’re looking for?  Drop us a line at [email protected] or call us at 604-879-9800.