Surrey Sunday Soccer Rules

  • Scheduling: Teams will play 1 game each week. Some teams MAY be scheduled into double headers as outlined in the FAQ section. The schedule will be as balanced as possible with regards to early and late games.
  • Reseeding: Teams may be reseeded for competitive balance requirements throughout the season as warranted at Urban Rec’s sole discretion.
  • Urban Rec Uniform Policy: All participants will be required to wear a number on the back of their jersey that is easily visible from the sideline (minimum size 6-8” in height). Each player on a team must wear a unique number for that game (players are not required to wear the same number each game). Players must bring a light and dark coloured shirt (with a number) to each game in case there are any jersey colour conflicts so that they have an alternate to wear if necessary. In the event that two teams show up wearing the same/similar colour, the captains will rock-paper-scissor with the losing captain’s team changing their uniforms to resolve the colour conflict. Please click the following link to read the full Uniform Policy.
  • Format: Play is 6-on-6 plus a goalie. A complete starting lineup consists of 7 players; 6 players on the field including a minimum of 2 women and 1 man, and 1 goalkeeper.  A team may play with an incomplete starting lineup of as few as 5 players provided there is at minimum 1 woman and 1 man on the field and 1 goalkeeper.  A team with less than 5 players or without the minimum 1 woman and 1 man required, will be considered a team in default
  • Sliding/Slide Tackling: Absolutely NO sliding or slide tackling is permitted in Urban Rec soccer. At no time may a player leave their feet to play or challenge for a ball. Goalies are permitted to dive headfirst in an attempt to make a save, but not to tackle an opponent.

Urban Rec Coed Soccer Rules


  1. Have fun and play with good sportsmanship! Players are required to know the rules and manage their own actions on the field. Sportsmanship, fun and being social are number one at Urban Rec and we expect to see that exhibited by all of our participants!
  2. Team captains are responsible for adding all players to their Urban Rec online team roster and ensuring that every player on the roster has indicated they have read the online waiver. Any players who do not complete this step are NOT eligible to participate. All players must be on the roster and indicate they have read the online waiver, even if they are subs. Teams with incomplete rosters may be left off the schedule until their roster is in compliance.
  3. Playoffs Eligibility – all players must be added to the roster and have played a minimum of 2 games (on two different nights) over the regular season to be eligible to play in the playoffs as per the Urban Rec Playoff Roster Policy. A team using an ineligible player will automatically forfeit the playoff game if the game has begun and that player has played in the game at that point. If the captain claims that a player in question had previously played or subbed during the regular season but the captain forgot to add them to the roster, that player will NOT be permitted to play. See rule above- captains are responsible for adding all players to the roster prior to them participating.
  4. On-site Urban Rec staff may do a random ID check of players at any time at their discretion. If a team is found to be using an ineligible player, then that player’s team will forfeit the game if it has already begun. If the ID check is done prior to the game starting, then there is no forfeit, but that player is not permitted to participate until they have indicated they have read the online waiver (they can do this via their smartphone). 
  5. Prior to your game, please double-check the online league schedule for your game times. If your team is late and not ready to go when the whistle blows to start the match, then you will lose playing time.  A match will consist of two 25-minute halves (but may be less if teams are not ready to play).
  6. Teams have a 10-minute grace period from their scheduled start time as tracked by the Event Coordinator to field a starting lineup
    • full starting lineup- 7 players– 6 players on the field including a minimum of 2 women and 1 man, and 1 goalkeeper.
    •  minimum starting lineup- If a team is short of players, they may avoid defaulting by starting the game with an incomplete starting lineup of as few as 5 players provided there is at minimum 1 woman and 1 man on the field and 1 goalkeeper.  A team with less than 5 players or without the minimum 1 woman and 1 man required, will be considered a team in default.
  7. If a team does not have enough players to field the minimum starting lineup by the end of this 10-minute grace period, that team defaults the game and is subject to the associated default compensation bond used to reimburse their opponent. In this situation, the teams are encouraged to mix up players and play for fun during their time slot. Any team defaulting more than 2 games in a season may be expelled from the league without refund.
  8. Teams may avoid defaulting in the regular season games by utilizing players from other teams that play in the league (you cannot borrow players from your opposing team) without penalty and the game result will count. However, if a team does this for a playoff match, the game will be considered a forfeit loss (but not a default).
  9. Tiebreaker – standings are determined by in-division winning percentage. If two or more teams are tied in the standings at season’s end, the tiebreakers will be as follows:
    1st tiebreaker – higher in-division wins
    2nd tiebreaker – higher UR fun point average
    3rd tiebreaker – head to head winner
    4th tiebreaker- goals for/against in head to head games
    5th tiebreaker – coin flip

Equipment & Uniforms

  1. Urban Rec will provide goals and nets (where not already provided) and on-site staff. Match balls will be available, but teams may use their own balls at their own risk provided both teams agree. 
  2. Players must bring a light and dark coloured shirt (with a number) to each game in case there are any jersey colour conflicts so that they have an alternate to wear if necessary. In the event that two teams show up wearing the same/similar colour, the captains will rock-paper-scissor prior to the game with the losing captain’s team changing their uniforms to resolve the colour conflict. All jerseys must have a visible number on them in line with the Soccer Uniform Policy. Goalkeepers must wear a different coloured jersey than the rest of their team as well as being different from the opposing team’s jerseys. 
  3. Metal cleats ARE NOT ALLOWED.
  4. Shin pads are not required, but strongly recommended.  If worn, shin pads must be totally covered by socks.

Match/Game Play

  1. Captains will rock-paper-scissors to determine who will start with the ball. The game will start with a kick-off at the center spot.
  2. Teams may change ends at half-time (if one team requests to change ends, then teams must change ends), and the team who did not kick off the start of the game will kick off the second half.
  3. A kick-off will also restart the game after a goal is scored.
  4. Kick-offs may have the ball going in any direction, but the ball must roll at least one full rotation and may not be touched by the kicker again until the ball has been contacted by another player.
  5. A goal cannot be scored directly from a kick-off; however, it may be scored if the ball has made at least one full rotation and has been touched by a second player.
  6. The opposing team must be at least 6 yards away from the ball in any direction on a kick-off, until the ball has been put into play per Point # 4.
  7. Balls are out of play when the entire ball has crossed the side-line - this will result in a throw-in. A throw-in must be done with both hands, with both feet on the ground and from behind the head; the thrower cannot play the ball again until it has been touched by another player.  A goal cannot be scored directly from a throw-in.
  8. Balls are out of play when the entire ball has crossed the end line (but not into the net) – this will result in a corner kick if a defending player was last to touch the ball, or a goal kick if an offensive player was the last to touch the ball. Opposing players must stand at least 6 yards away until the kick is taken.
  9. Goalies are not allowed to handle the ball with their hands when the ball is thrown or kicked to them with intent by their own team. They ARE permitted to use their hands inside the accepted goal crease when the opposing team throws or kicks the ball towards the goalie or if their own teammate heads the ball back to them.  If a goalie uses their hands to play the ball in when it was thrown/passed by their own team then the opposing team is awarded an indirect free kick at the spot of the handling – see the free kick/penalty kick section below for further details.

General Game-Play Rules

  1. There is absolutely NO sliding or slide tackling. Stay on your FEET!
    For additional clarity we define a slide as if you leave your feet you must land on your feet – for example bicycle kicks, sliding to kick a ball, or jumping to kick a ball and not landing back on your feet are not allowed.
  2. Slide tackling (leaving your feet in an attempt to check an opposing player) is explicitly banned and will result in the following; a PENALTY KICK for the tackled player (no matter where the slide tackle occurred on the pitch), immediate ejection of the sliding player from the game AND a discipline review by the Urban Rec Department of Participant Enjoyment & Safety.
  3. Any attempt at a slide (that is not a slide tackle) will result in an indirect free kick for the opposing team (unless the foul occurs in the penalty box area, in which case a penalty kick is awarded). The player who commits the sliding infraction will be removed from the game for a minimum of 5minutes, and any other player on that same team who commits a second sliding infraction (regardless if they are the same player or a different player) will be sent off for the remainder of the game. Repeat offenders will be subject to supplemental discipline from league management which may include suspension.
  4. Sliding infractions include any player, including the goalie, who leaves the ground in a foot or feet-forward motion regardless if there is an opposing player in the area or not. There is to be NO sliding to prevent a ball from going out of play, or to make any play on the ball regardless of whether another player is in the vicinity or not.
  5. The goalie may dive head/hands first to make a save on a shot, and the goaltender can ONLY leave their feet to move parallel with the goal line. A goalie may leave their feet head/hands first to collect a ball as long as they are doing so parallel with the goal line, and not moving towards an oncoming player. A goalie MAY NOT leave their feet at any time when challenging or attempting to tackle and oncoming player. For examples of when and what a goalie is allowed to leave their feet head/hands first for, please click HERE.
  6. Any player who commits a sliding infraction or slide tackle will have a foul called for the slide either by themselves or by an opposing player on the field. If a player “forgets”, then it is the responsibility of their team captain to call the foul. If there is a disagreement, then the respective team captains are expected to maturely discuss the situation and come to a resolution.
  7. If the goalie is attempting to make a save, or recovering after making a save, the opposing team MAY NOT contact the keeper in any way. This includes going after any rebounds or trying to hinder the goalie’s attempt to recover back into the play. Should an offensive player make contact with a goalie inside the box attempting to make a save, a foul will be called, the player will be removed for a minimum of 5 minutes, and a penalty kick may be awarded to the goalie’s team. Offensive players inside the goalie box must make EVERY EFFORT POSSIBLE to avoid contacting the opposing goalie.
  8. If a player is on the ground (off their feet for any reason) they may not attempt to kick or play the ball, or a foul will be called and an indirect kick or penalty kick will be awarded to the opposing team depending on the spot of the foul.
    - Goalies may attempt to make a save while on the ground, but they are not permitted to kick a ball in an attempt to clear it while they are not on their feet.
  9. Responsibility to avoid collisions on 50/50 balls:
    If the 50/50 ball is INSIDE the designated goalie box:
    - Any player who is running towards the opposing keeper inside the designated goalie box has the primary responsibility to avoid making any contact with the keeper and should ease up on the play. 
    - If an oncoming player makes contact with the keeper, this will result in a foul being called against this player, and the player will be removed for a minimum of 5minutes.
    - The keeper must not change their trajectory and should make every attempt to avoid contact when possible, despite not having the primary responsibility to do so. Should the keeper intentionally run into an oncoming player in the box when the contact could have been avoided, the foul may be levied against the keeper.
  10. If the 50/50 ball is OUTSIDE the designated goalie box
    - Any keeper who is attempting to challenge a player outside the goalie box has the primary responsibility to avoid making any contact with an oncoming player(s).
    -  If the keeper makes contact with an oncoming player outside the goalie box, this will result in a direct penalty kick for the opposing team.
    - The oncoming player(s) must not change their trajectory and should make every attempt to avoid contact when possible despite not having the primary responsibility to do so. Should the oncoming player intentionally run into the keeper outside the box when the contact could have been avoided, the foul may be levied against the oncoming player, and no penalty kick will be awarded.
  11. Responsibility to avoid collisions on NON-50/50 balls. If Player A clearly has the chance to gain possession of the ball before the opposing Player B, then it is Player B’s responsibility to avoid initiating contact (regardless of where the ball is on the field). This includes goalkeepers as well as regular players. If contact is initiated by Player B, this is a foul and Player A’s team will receive either a direct or indirect kick depending on where the foul occurred and if it falls under rule #4 above.
  12. No Offsides/No Cherry Picking – We no longer call offsides in our soccer leagues as they would be called in a traditional soccer environment. That said, this does not mean that we condone ‘cherry picking’ as a strategy or tactic for teams to gain a competitive advantage.
    - Example – If at any time a player is intentionally standing significantly behind the last defender waiting for a play to develop, this would be considered cherry picking
    - If a player drifts into an offside position in the natural progression of the play, this is ok as long as it is a fluid play. If a player drifts into this offside position, but it is not a fluid play and they appear to be waiting for the ball/the play to develop, this would then be considered cherry picking.
    - For a further explanation on what we consider cherry picking please click HERE.
  13. Play the ball, not the body. If you are using your body (arms, shoulders, etc.) against an opponent to gain possession or position you are not playing the ball and thus are committing a foul.
  14. Handballs – hand-to-ball vs ball-to-hand
    -Outside the box – Anytime a player touches the ball with their hand or arm, the play should be stopped, and the opposing team will receive an indirect free kick.
    -Inside the box – If a ball strikes a defending player (who is not a goalie) in the hand or arm WITHIN the frame of their body (ball-to-hand), the play should be stopped, and an INDIRECT free kick will be given to the other team outside the edge of the box.
    -Inside the box – If a ball strikes a defending player (who is not a goalie) in the hand or arm OUTSIDE the frame of their body, or in a deliberate attempt to block the ball (hand-to-ball), a penalty kick will be awarded.
  15. There is no ‘advantage’ in our leagues, and all handballs will result in an indirect free kick, except for a handball that occurs in the defensive goalie box which will result in a penalty kick for the opposing team.
  16. Substitutions can be made “on-the-fly” and substitutions must be done with the player coming in entering the field at the same spot, or within arms-length of the player subbing out – EXCEPT for the goalie, who can only be substituted for at a stoppage in play. 

Calling Fouls

  1. Games are self-officiated, and players are encouraged to call their own fouls. Team Captains are responsible for informing their team of the rules and for enforcing them if their team is negligent in this regard.
  2. Please remember to be sportsmanlike and call your own fouls. If a foul has been committed against you, raise your hand, and make a clear vocalization of a foul call. When a foul is called, regardless if you believe it is right or wrong, respect the call and your opponent making the call.
  3. Fouls must only be called by the players on the field and involved in the play– under no circumstances are players off the field or on the sidelines allowed to make any foul calls. 
  4. Only those players involved in the play should be self-officiating and making a call. The players on the field of play should handle what happens on the field of play - save for involvement by Urban Rec on-site staff if necessary.
  5. If you feel that a team is not calling their own fouls or is playing in an unsportsmanlike manner, at the next stoppage in play the team captains and ONLY the team captains, are expected to discuss the issue and attempt to resolve it with on-site staff assisting. Captains and participants are expected to respect the staff and their decisions and abide by them in these instances. 
    Important Note: This is a recreational league and there is a Code of Conduct which all eligible participants agreed to abide by. Aggressive play will not be tolerated and will result in a player being temporarily or permanently removed from the game, or face further supplementary discipline after review by Urban Rec Management.
  6. If at any time in the season a team is consistently showing poor sportsmanship (at the sole discretion of Urban Rec staff), the team captain will be contacted by Urban Rec staff and given the opportunity to respond to these claims. It is Urban Rec's goal to give all players and teams the benefit of the doubt, and the opportunity to explain themselves should any unsportsmanlike conduct be reported. Working together we hope to resolve any issue at that point.

Indirect Free Kicks vs Penalty Kicks

  1. Fouls result in an indirect free kick to the opposing team from where infringement occurred unless the foul occurs in the goalie’s box (see PENALTY KICKS).
    • Indirect means that the ball must touch at least one other player before going into net.
    • If a player taking the indirect kick scores and the ball does not touch any other player (offensive or defensive including the goalie) the goal does NOT count. Possession will now be a goal kick.
    • In the spirit of Urban Rec, if a player is deemed to have intentionally shot a ball on goal that goes off the goalkeeper or deflects off a defender, the on-site staff may disallow the goal.
    • If a foul is committed outside the box, but it directly prevents a clear-cut scoring opportunity (i.e. player is pushed from behind on a breakaway), a penalty shot may be awarded but only at the sole discretion of Urban Rec on-site staff.
  2. Defending players must be at least six yards away from the spot of an indirect free kickl, except when the ball is being kicked from a point closer than six yards from the goal line - in which case the defending players may stand on their goal line.
  3. Penalty kicks occur when a defender (or goalkeeper) commits/is called for a foul of any type while inside their penalty area.
    • all players, except the goalkeeper and the player taking the kick, must remain outside of the goalie box until the ball is kicked
    • the goalkeeper must stand on their own goal-line between the goal posts without moving forward until the ball is kicked
    • the kick must go forward, and the kicker cannot touch the ball a second time until it has been touched by another player
  4. As many of the fields we use do not have creases or penalty kick hashes marked, these will be taken from twelve yards (full-size nets) or eight yards (smaller nets) away from the center of the goal line.

Role and Expectations of Team Captains

  • We strongly encourage team captains to meet each other before the start of the game so that they can discuss any potential issues before they become problems during the game.
  • Captains may also consult with the Urban Rec on-site staff for clarification on rules, etc. Team captains should ensure that ALL players on the team have read and understand the rules prior to playing. It is imperative that ALL players, not just the team captains, understand the rules; if the rules are not followed and applied correctly by teams in matches in the spirit of self-officiating, on-site staff will arbitrarily step in and apply the rules at their discretion for the equality and integrity of the match for all players involved.
  • A team captain’s role and responsibility is more than registering a team- a team captain is accountable for not only their actions but also their players’ actions. It is the team captains' responsibility to keep their players in check and to ensure that everyone on the team knows and understands the rules. Your on-site staff are empowered to hold team captains responsible for the actions of their team and address them on behalf of their team as necessary if issues arise that require disciplinary action.
  • Urban Rec on-site staff are empowered to hold team captains responsible for the actions of their team and address them on behalf of their team as necessary if issues arise that require disciplinary action.

Playoff Format & Tiebreak Procedure

In the playoffs, if a game is tied in the second half, at the 3-minute mark the on-site staff will blow the whistle and the game will proceed straight to penalty kicks to decide a winner. If a game becomes tied in the final 3 minutes of the second half, the game will end there and proceed to penalty kicks.

Teams must select 3 shooters each. Teams cannot have two shooters of the same gender shoot back-to-back.

Teams alternate shooters. The home team for that match chooses whether to shoot first or second. If teams are tied after 3 shooters each, then it is one round sudden-death shots until a winner is determined.

  • Teams select 1 more shooter. Players who have already shot are not eligible to shoot again until everyone else of their gender on their team has shot.
  • Teams must continue to alternate shooters in the same order as before (if the home team shot first in each round, they continue to shoot first in the sudden-death rounds).

Role of On-site League Staff

If the rules are not followed and applied correctly by teams in matches in the spirit of self-officiating, on-site staff will step in and apply the rules at their discretion for the equality and integrity of the match and for all players involved.

Urban Rec Staff are not referees, and their primary purpose is to facilitate league play.  It is not to call teams’ fouls for them- teams have the responsibility to play with good sportsmanship and call their own fouls. However, the exception to this is that the Urban Rec staff are empowered to make referee-based calls under the following conditions:

  • Players on the field are unable to determine the correct call due to not understanding the rules, and play is not continuing as a result
  • There is heated disagreement/impasse over what the correct call should be
  • The on-site staff are asked directly by the players on the field to make a ruling
  • The on-site staff determines that a player, multiple players or a team as a whole are playing in an unsafe or unsportsmanlike manner

Urban Rec staff reserve the right to remove players temporarily or permanently from games. Our staff’s decisions are to be respected by participants. Any abuse or disrespect of the staff will result in supplemental discipline from league management.


We expect our Urban Rec participants to have a “Fun First” attitude about this unique sporting opportunity. There is an emphasis on the players knowing the rules and managing their own actions on the field.  Sportsmanship, fun and being social are number one at Urban Rec and we hope to see that carry over to our co-ed soccer leagues!