Surrey Volleyball- Tuesdays Rules

Coed 6’s Indoor Volleyball RULES AND GUIDELINES


  1. To be eligible to play in the league all players must have signed an online waiver. Players that do not sign an online waiver are not eligible to play. Team captains that do not fill out the online team roster will have their team removed from the schedule until they do so and all players have signed the waiver.

  2. The on-site staff may do a random ID check for players from any team.  If a team is found to be using an ineligible player (i.e. someone who has not indicated that they have read the online waiver), then that player’s team will forfeit the game if it has already begun.  If the game has not begun, then the game will not be a forfeit- that player is simply not permitted to participate until they have indicated they have read the online waiver.

  3. Teams may avoid forfeiting/defaulting in regular season games by utilizing players from other teams that play in the league without penalty.  However, in the playoffs, this can only be done to avoid being subject to the default policy- the game will be considered a forfeit loss (but not a default) if a team utilizes players not on their roster to field a lineup.

  4. Teams will only call fouls committed by their own players.  Players will not call the fouls against their opponents. If a player neglects to call their own fouls, their team captain will be responsible for calling these fouls on their player’s behalf.
  5. If there is a dispute on a call, re-serve the play. Contact an Event Coordinator for clarification of rules after the match is completed.
  6. All players will conduct themselves in a polite and sportsmanlike manner. Individuals who do not abide by these criteria will be removed from the league.
  7. All balls must be hit cleanly. No scooping or carrying the ball. Only off of a driven ball may a ball may be double hit (i.e. off arm and head in one continuous motion).
  8. Contact with the net in any way (except for hair) constitutes loss of point. A player that goes under the net but does not contact the net or interfere with the play is okay.
  9. A served ball may not be blocked or attacked directly back over the net.
  10. A served ball may be volleyed to a teammate, but may not be volleyed directly over the net when receiving the serve.
  11. If a player blocks a driven ball and the ball comes onto their own team’s side, the block does not count as a hit towards the three-hit limit (i.e. the team may still have 3 additional hits after the block).
  12. The ball can hit any part of the body.
  13. If a back-row player is in front of the attack line and plays the ball over the net, they must contact the ball below the height of the net.
  14. A complete starting lineup consists of 6 players including a minimum of 2 women and 1 man. If a team has less than 6 players, the following rules apply:
  • If a team has less than 4 players it defaults the match.
  • If a team has 4 or 5 players but does NOT have at least 1 woman and 1 man, it is a default.
  • If a team has 4 or 5 players including only 1 woman and at least 1 man, the team is eligible to play but a point penalty applies:  4 points in each of the first two games of the match and 3 points in the third game of the match.
  • If a team has 4 or 5 players including at least 2 women and 1 man, there is no point penalty15If a team has less than 6 players, there is no “ghost” rule.  Serve rotation proceeds to the next available player.
  1. Players must rotate positions as well as serve with each side-out
  2. Regular play will consist of 2 matches per week. Best 2 of 3 (21/21/15) Games are all rally point, win by 2 points, cap at 23 (Cap at 17 in the 3rd match.  Matches will be over when a team wins 2 games or time expires.  Approximately 35 minutes is allocated for each match, but may be reduced at the Event Coordinator’s discretion in order for the next pool to start on time or for participants to vacate the gym on time at the end of the night
  3. If time expires while teams are playing the 3rd set (the tiebreaker), at least one of the teams must have reached 5 points for the 3rd game to count.  Otherwise the match will be reported as a 1-game-apiece draw. Combined points will not be used during the regular season matches to determine a winner.
  4. Playoffs will occur over the final two weeks of the season.  The format for the playoffs will be as follows:
  • each match will be a best-of-3 (21/21/15).  The first 2 games will be to 21 points capped at 23, and the 3rd game will be to 15 points capped at 17. If time expires during the 3rd game, whichever team is winning at that point will win the match (no 5-point minimum required)
  • if time expires during the 2nd game, then total points scored in the 2 games to that point will determine the winner of the match.


  1. Both teams are responsible for recording the results of their matches (sets won/lost and fun points) on the league schedule that is present on-site (or telling the Event Coordinator so that he/she can record them on-site).
  2. If two or more teams are tied in the standings at season’s end, the first tie-breaker will be the team with fewer losses.  The second tie-breaker will be the team with more UR fun points.  The 3rd tie-breaker will be head-to-head record against the other team (s) involved in the tie.
  3. Urban Rec reserves the right to move teams up or down in timeslots depending on the team’s level of play.  For this reason, teams must be available to play in any of the time slots used throughout the season.
  4. Have FUN! If there are any problems or suggestions about the league please free to contact us.  Please enjoy yourselves!